Business Credit Secrets for Entrepreneurs


Gain the knowledge and power that you need to move mountains and start working with large contractors!

Business Credit Secrets for Entrepreneurs will give you the knowledge and power to work with large contractors and to move mountains. Let’s get to the money, while protecting your brand, and building wealth.

In 2014, at the age of 24, I started my first business. I had no experience, however, I was determined to turn my passion into profits!

The business required high compliance, high cost of capital, and periods of low return on investment. I knew my personal credit was important, but what about business credit?

Following the traditional route of funding a startup, most entrepreneurs choose to self-fund. Self-funding is utilizing the owner’s personal credit, giving a personal guarantee, and pledging collateral. I chose to do all three. After an $80,000 loss, I quickly was faced with the risk of losing my business...

But instead of closing down, I pushed back.

Over the course of 24 months, my research allowed me to unlock over $100K for my business without the use of personal credit. I’ve collected this information from multiple financial resources and created my own business credit building system!

If you are missing opportunities because you don’t have the business credit to obtain funding, you don’t know how to position your business credibility in the marketplace and you know your business isn't being seen as credible on paper, then you have come to the right place.

I’ve worked with many product and service-based business owners, entrepreneurs and professions that want to leverage business credit instead of personal credit, who have gone on to do just that!

I’m Coach Asia Rivers, a business credit analyst and business consultant, and I work with business owners, entrepreneurs and professionals to establish, utilize and protect their business credit.

Resources. Business Growth. Support. A No B.S. Zone.

When we work together, Imma give it to you straight!

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